Reading everyone's posts, I feel a sense of humility as I learn what some of us have accomplished from '63 as well as from some of the other years.. We did have a great education at Ladue- and I'm convinced our future is entirely dependent on how we educate all of our youth.
For the last couple of decades I've been a consulting MD Clinical psychopharmacologist in Oregon working two days a week. I'm divorced from Bonnie (Gale UCity 64) but we're still real close friends and business associates which is very nice for me. My two kids are grown, have stayed in the Pacific NW and I have no grand children. I've been remarried for eight years to Dee and she's a very special blessing in my life. My mind still feels young, although I've changed some of my thinking habits, but my body knows the years as I put on my glasses to read this. I had prostate cancer in 1994 and still have some cells floating around, but I've stayed in shape swimming, biking and will run 4 miles a couple of times a week. With two day work weeks we take frequent short journeys of a variety of types. I like world music and have an interest in Ethnobotany, going to conferences outside of the US.
Reading everyone's posts, as the door opens to my memories, I can practically experience thoughts and feelings and also remember things I would have done very differently if I only knew then---, and now with all the years since, we've been carried to the PRESENT- for better or worse.
One of our classmates is quoted as saying he couldn't remember extended periods from those years after grade school. I left St. Louis after high school but when I focus back I can sometimes experience little glimpses of myself and each of us back then. That's back to 7th grade, even earlier with some of you. How often do I look back? The honest truth is probably more than any of you think of me? I kept a low profile. But now our paths cross again.
My parents are still alive and we're dealing with life stage issues like safety of driving, illness and impermanence of form. Not that this should be a therapy group, but I would benefit from hearing how others deal with challenges facing us at this stage of our existence.
So, before this gets any longer, I just want to thank all of you for being in my life. Alan
Alan Cohn 541-344-5193
PO Box 8382
Coburg, Oregon 97408