< Back to Photos Home Page Friday Night at Dear Creek Club Photos by Skip Corn
scf1: David Millman, John Reichman, Susan Smith
scf2: John MacDonald, Rick Pennington, Thom Clark, Nancy Jo Handelman Powers, Eric Friedman (back to camera), David Hendin
scf3: Judy Krauechi Graham, sitting in background is Rich Miller (husband of Sue Schiffer Miller), Susan Lasky Rohling , Ted Staley, Sue Schiffer Miller, Susan Smith
scf4: David Millman, Eric Friedman
scf5: Rick Pennington and Joyce Ritter Ulrich (with backs to camera) with Nancy Hundley Hecker and her husband Bill Hecker
scf6: Sharon Steinman Stein, John Kerr, John MacDonald (back to camera), Lou Jarodsky
scf7: Harold Weinstein, Susan Lasky Rohling, Margie Mitchell Weinstein
scf8: John Schaumburg, Susan Rosenbaum Bosse, Nancy Jo Handleman Powers (barely visible), Sharon Steinman Stein, John Kerr
scf9: Bob Frank, Jeff Fink, Rebecca Fink, Harold Weinstein
scf10: Gary Handelman, Ronni Handelman (Gary's wife), Susanne Schiffer Miller, Thom Clark (far profile), Harold Weinstein (Marjorie Mitchell's husband in close profile), Sue Lasky Rohling, Marjorie Mitchell Weinstein
scf11: Rich Miller, Ted Staley, Paul Perlow, Sue Schiffer Miller (with back to camera), David Millman
scf12: Sue Lasky Rohling standing on right, Susanne Schiffer Miller seated, Ted Staley sitting on arm of sofa, Susan Smith seated, Randy Rahn (back to camera)
scf13: Paul Perlow, Justin Mutrux, Mary Ann Mutrux, David Millman, Eric Friedman (back to camera)
scf14: John Schaumburg, Nancy Jo Handelman Powers, David Hendin
scf15: Sue Lasky Rohling, , Nila Vouga Morris, Randy Rahn
scf16: Thom Clark (far distance facing camera), Ronni Handelman (gray sweater back to camera), Carol Rubenstein Crouppen (midground facing camera), Gary Pepper, Gary Handelman
scf17: Susan Diebel Renz, Nancy Hundley Hecker, Marjorie Mitchell Weinstein
scf18: Rick Lampertz, Colleen Lampetz, Geoff Nusbaum
scf19: David Millman< Back to Photos Home Page